How Do I Upload a Video to Adobe Connect
How to upload, download, manage, and share content from Content library in Adobe Connect. Know the best practices to upload presentations slides in Adobe Connect.
Content library supported file types
Adobe Connect Content library supports uploading and sharing the post-obit file types:
A unmarried PDF file
A unmarried PPT or PPTX file
A single SWF file
A unmarried HTML file
A single Adobe Captivate SWF file
Adobe Captivate content published through the Adobe Captivate application
Adobe Presenter content published through the Presenter plug-in
Presenter content packaged as a Zero file
A ZIP file that contains multiple SWF files and extra files (images, XML files, so on) and a file chosen alphabetize.swf that is loaded get-go
A ZIP file that contains multiple HTM or HTML files and extra files (images, SWF files, and then on) and one file chosen index.htm or index.html
A Nada file that contains a unmarried PDF file.
An FLV file
A single image (JPEG, GIF, or PNG)
A unmarried audio file (MP3) (Encoder: Nellymoser, Speex, and AAC Decoder: Nellymoser, Speex, AAC, and G711)
A single video file (MP4 or F4V) (Encoder Sorenson, H264 Decoder: Sorenson, VP6)
MP4 recording of meetings, virtual classrooms, and seminars that can be played on the supported mobile devices.
You can besides publish tertiary-party SCORM content to the Content library. Filename for SCORM launch file or references cannot comprise '+' grapheme or brainstorm with a number.
Content support in HTML client
In the Connect Central Content library (Content > My Content), you can check if your content is compatible with HTML client through the HTML Uniform column. The value yes in the column indicates that the content is also visible in HTML client. The value Click to find indicates that the compatibility of your content is non automatically or immediately identifiable. You must click Click to find to assess the compatibility.
If you upload new Presenter or Captivate Flash content, Connect HTML client displays a alarm message indicating that the content will not be visible to HTML participants. In this case, upload combined (SWF and HTML) content past selecting both as publish format in Obsess.
New Presenter and Obsess content is supported for versions Presenter xi and Captivate 9 onwards; an error bulletin is displayed for unsupported versions.
For existing Captivate and Presenter content, Connect displays a warning message indicating that the content is non supported and must be updated with Presenter 11/Obsess 9 or to a higher place.
Upload content
But members of the congenital-in Authors grouping with Publish permissions for a specific Content library folder can upload files to that folder.
You tin can upload new versions of content that exists in the Content library.
If you have Adobe Presenter or Adobe Captivate installed, yous can besides use the Publish option within those applications to upload content to the Content library. You tin too upload content from a Meeting room.
Adobe recommends
Uploading HTML5 output from Adobe Captivate to Adobe Connect
Upload files to the Content library
In Adobe Connect Central, do either of the following:
On the Habitation tab, select Content from the Create New bar.
On the Content tab, click the New Content button.
Nether Select Content File, click Browse to locate the file, click its name, and so click Open.
Enter a title for the new content file (required) and a summary (optional) in the Enter Content Information text boxes.
(Optional) Enter a custom URL (if you do not assign a custom URL, the organization automatically assigns i).
(Optional) In Summary, enter information about the new content.
The file is uploaded to the server and appears in the content folder.
If you attempt to upload a file of an unsupported file type, the Enter Content folio reappears with the message "Invalid file format selected."
Adobe recommends
Adding Content To The Adobe Connect Content Library
Upload a new version of a file to the Content library
On the Dwelling house tab, click Content.
In the Content List, click the content file you desire to update.
Click Browse to locate a file in the format specified in the message, click the proper name of the file, and then click Open.
The new version of the content is upload to the Content library. To bank check that the process was successful, find the file in the Content Listing and check the Engagement Modified. Y'all tin can also go to the Content Data page, click the URL, and view the new version of the content.
Uploading AICC content
For Adobe Connect to rails scores in quizzes and data, content must be AICC-compliant. To upload AICC content into the Content library, store the files in a ZIP archive and upload information technology from Adobe Connect Cardinal. Do not upload the content from a meeting room.
Go along in listen the following when y'all create AICC content:
The content parcel must have an index.htm or index.html file that the server relies on to launch the content.
Content must written report "Incomplete" on all communications until the user has finished interacting with the content.
The content must be able to written report either "consummate" or "passed" to indicate that the user has finished interacting with the content.
Download files from the Content library
Users who take permission tin can download Content library files to their computers. If the content is composed of more than than one file, it is packaged into a ZIP file.
Navigate to the content file that you want to download.
Click the name of the content file.
Click the Download Content link on the navigation bar.
The Download Content link is on the information folio of the item Depending on your license and your permissions, all the tabs displayed in the pinnacle row in Adobe Connect Central may not be visible.
Under Download output file, click the content filename.
Users who have Manage permission can download a presentation to deploy it on the Internet or distribute it on a CD. You can download the presentation PPT source files or output files. To deploy a presentation, download the output files and extract them.
Save the file to your disk.
Download presentation source files from the Content library
Downloading source files can be helpful if you no longer have your source files for an Adobe Presenter presentation. (It is critical that you do not overwrite the PPT filename extension with a PPC extension; if you lot do, the file can go unusable.)
Note: The simply source files bachelor for download are files that have been uploaded. For example, Adobe Presenter and Adobe Captivate requite users the selection to upload or not upload source files. If the pick to upload source files is non selected, those files are not bachelor for download later on.
Navigate to the presentation and click its name.
Click the Download Content link on the navigation bar.
In Download source files, click a file.
Save the file to your disk.
(Optional) In Download output files, click the zip file and salve information technology to your disk.
Creating custom URLs
When you lot add together a slice of content, a new meeting, a new course or curriculum, a new seminar, or a new event, yous can create a custom URL for the content. This URL is unique across the entire Adobe Connect account and identifies the content.
A. Uneditable portion of URL set past your administratorB. Customizable portion of URL
A custom URL tin be used with one piece of content at a time. For example, if you assign the custom URL /yourname to a piece of content, yous cannot assign that URL to another piece of content or to a meeting, nor can any other user who shares your account assign that URL to anything. If you delete the content that uses the custom URL, the custom URL becomes bachelor for reuse.
If another user is currently using the custom URL, you receive an mistake message when you enter the URL. If you desire to, y'all can check with your ambassador to see who is using the URL.
Custom URL rules:
You cannot edit a custom URL after you create it.
You cannot use digits (0 - ix) at the beginning of a custom URL.
After the first grapheme, the other characters tin be alphanumeric, an underscore, or a hyphen.
The URL can accept maximum of 60 characters, including the two forward slashes (/) before and after the URL.
If yous enter whatever uppercase letters, they are automatically converted to lowercase letters to accommodate to URL case sensitivity conventions.
Do not employ any of the following reserved keywords in your custom URL:
account | content | idle | written report |
acrobat | course | info | sco |
adobe | cs | input | search |
admin | cs2 | livecycle | seminar |
administration | curriculum | macromedia | send |
api | information | meeting | service |
app | default | metadata | servlet |
archive | download | monitor | soap |
breeze | event | open | source |
builder | fcs | output | src |
close | flash | photoshop | stream |
com | gateway | presenter | systems |
mutual | become | producer | training |
connect | home | public | user |
panel | hosted | publish | xml |
defaultEventTemplate | defaultMeetingTemplate | defaultTrainingTemplate | collaboration |
View content
You tin can open content for viewing from the Content library. If you have the URL for viewing the file, you tin can also browse to it directly from any browser window.
View content in the Content library
Click the Content tab at the summit of the Adobe Connect Key window.
Browse the Content library, and click a filename to view the associated Content Information folio.
Click the URL For Viewing link.
A new browser window displays the selected file or presentation.
View content in a spider web browser
Enter the URL for viewing the content in the browser URL address box or click a link received in an email.
Send a content URL past email
Every content file in the Content library has a unique URL that lets users view the contents of the file. You tin send this URL to other people past e-mail from within Adobe Connect Central.
Adobe Connect creates a unique version of the URL for each email recipient. Compared to pasting the URL in an email, using Adobe Connect Central has these advantages:
Y'all can request that Adobe Connect ship you lot a return receipt when an e-mail recipient clicks the web link. You can track who viewed the contents considering a unique URL was created for each recipient.
Recipients can view the content without having to log in to Adobe Connect. This is true even if the permissions for the content file in the Content library are not set for public viewing.
Click the Content tab at the top of the Adobe Connect Central window.
Navigate to the content file and click its proper noun.
Click Email Link on the navigation bar.
Enter the email addresses for all recipients in the To box on the Email Link folio.
If necessary, separate multiple e-mail addresses with commas to create a unique URL for each electronic mail recipient.
Edit the Subject and Message Body text boxes as needed.
Practise not delete the data in the curly brackets ("{tracking‑url}") in the message body. This placeholder is replaced with the content URL in the email message.
Select Generate a Render Receipt When Content Is Viewed to receive an email notification when a recipient views the content file; otherwise, clear the check box.
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